. EasyGrapher
This is a list of most of the enhancements in EasyGrapher Professional 2002 from EasyGrapher Professional 2000.

If you have any previous version of our EasyGrapher programs other than EasyGrapher Stitch Wiz, you may be entitled to upgrade at a reduced price. Please contact us for details.

If you have: The upgrade
cost is:
EasyGrapher Professional II
EasyGrapher Professional 2000
EasyGrapher Professional
EasyGrapher 97
EasyGrapher Specialty 2.0
Any DOS EasyGrapher program $199

To see the changes from EasyGrapher Professional II 3.0 to EasyGrapher Professional 2000, click here.


1. Lines are now added to the color key as symbols are, where up to 100 lines can be added to the color key. Each individual line style can have its width set, and in some instances its thickness set. This allows greater control over and a wider variety of lines in a chart.

2. Three new line styles and 32 symbols were added.

3. The Color Key can be printed on the chart.

4. A new Export wizard has been added to make exporting much easier. A selected area can now be exported.

5. The Import command has been completely redesigned to make it easier to use and to add new abilities to edit an image before importing. An image can be rotated in degrees. Its sharpness, contrast, saturation, and brightness can be changed. A despeckle option helps rid the image of random color specks and two methods of noise reduction helps eliminate unwanted color variations.

6. A selected area can be changed from being "over two" (full symbols) to "over one" (quarter symbols and back.

7. New Stitches - Chain stitch and Arrows. Arrows can be drawn on a chart in 4 styles.

8. The Paste highlight now can be shown in color.

9. New Paste Special command can flip and rotate the clipboard before pasting

10. New Auto Backstitch command can automatically draw backstitches surrounding symbols in a single color or all colors.

11. Many new options have been added to Print Chart, such as shaded overlaps, grid line numbers, specifying where counting lines fall, date and time can be printed, and a selected area can be easily printed.

New Commands/Features

1. Cross Stitch To Petit Point, Petit Point To Cross Stitch (Tools)

  • Switches an area between full symbols and vertical/horizontal quarter stitches.

2. Arrow (Stitches)

  • Draw arrows on a chart in 4 different styles.

3. Chain Stitch (Stitches)

4. Paste Special (Edit)

  • Flip and rotate the clipboard contents before pasting them.

5. Remove Unused Lines (Key)

  • Removes line styles from the color key that are not used in the chart.

6. Auto Backstitch (Tools)

  • This can automatically draw backstitches in the current line style around all connected grid squares with the same symbol/color or around all connected symbols (bounded by empty grids).

7. Insert Color Key (Key)

  • This is used to print the color key on the same page as the chart.

8. Sort Color Key (Key)

  • The color key can be sorted in the Stitch Box on the screen by color number, color name, and family/item number.

Changed Commands/Features

1. Chart Text

  • It can now read a text file and chart it all at one time.

2. Annotations

  • Annotations can now be outlined by a rectangle, rounded rectangle, or circle.
  • They can also be rotated.
  • Multiline annotations are now possible.

3. Queen, Lazy Daisy stitches

  • They can now be drawn in "half width," needed for some needlepoint charts.

4. Paste

  • The highlight can now be shown using the same view options as are in effect for the chart.

5. Patterns

  • Pattern names can now be up to 100 characters long.

6. F12 will now show and hide the Silhouette. The plus (+) and minus (-) keys on the keyboard keypad can be used for Zoom In and Zoom Out. Other commands have been assigned quick keys.

7. Select can now be made to include lines that have only one end point inside the selected area. Implemented as an option on Preferences.

8. Change Color Key

  • It now shows a frequency count for symbols broken down by full and partial symbols. It also allows two colors for each symbol and line style.

9. Color Key

  • can be sorted in the Stitch Box by color number, name, and family/Item number
  • symbols and line styles can have two colors assigned for blends
  • Print Color Key can show frequency counts for symbols broken out by stitch type
  • a color key can be printed on the chart
  • symbols and lines are now printed on the same page
  • Print Color Key now shows a print preview of the key before printing
  • the date and time can be printed with the color key (and on charts)
  • the font and font attributes (size, etc.) for text can be specified
  • up to 160 symbols and 100 lines can be added to a key

10. Print Chart

  • the Print Chart window has been redesigned to make it easier to use
  • date and time can be printed on the chart
  • where dark counting lines fall can now be specified
  • grid line numbers can be printed on the outside edge of the chart
  • specifying the overall line thickness for stitch lines is easier to do
  • the font and font attributes (size, etc.) for text can be specified
  • the display can be returned directly to the Print Chart window from Print Preview
  • Print Preview has been added as a separate command to the File menu
  • a selected area can easily be printed.
  • symbols can now be printed as color stitches, similar to the display option
  • a shaded overlap of any size can be printed

11. Lines

Lines are now added to the color key just like symbols. Two colors can be assigned to a line style to indicate blended threads. The line width and thickness (depending on the style) can be set for each line in the key. This means the number of styles are reduced because some styles were similar, e.g. there were three solid lines with different thicknesses. The drawing routines for many styles have been refined so they now print sharper and clearer.

12. Export

  • a new Export Wizard has been added to greatly simplify exporting a chart to other programs.
  • where dark counting lines fall can be specified
  • a selected area of the chart can be easily exported
  • an "export the chart as one file" option has been added to make the most commonly used Export feature easier to specify
  • specifying the overall line thickness for stitch lines is easier to do
  • symbols can be exported as colored symbols

13. Import

The Import command has been completely redesigned to make it easier to use and to add new abilities to edit an image before importing. 

  • the original image as well as the "working" image are shown at one time
  • an image can be rotated in degrees. 
  • it can be zoomed in and out. 
  • its sharpness, contrast, saturation, and brightness can be changed. 
  • a despeckle option helps rid the image of random color specks.
  • the converted size can be specified in either inches or rows and columns
  • the noise in the image can be reduced through either the median or the average method
  • colors can now be compared with two different methods
  • the floss table used for matching can be selected from the Import window
  • the working image can easily be restored from the original